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Monday March 30, 2009. 08:17
March, and the "lion & the lamb" thing...


So how was your March? I think the lion ate the lamb in mine. If I had to pick, I'd say it came in like a lamb and out like a lion. Over the last few weeks, a few things have happened that need to be or have been dealt with. Here's the latest...

We just found out that Nichole, my 20 month old baby, is very far sighted. Which means she needs glasses. That doesn't bother me too much, I'm just not looking forward to trying to get her to keep them on. That explains all the running into walls. Now we just have to find a pair that we like. Also a challenge.

Hanna (my 2002 Civic) was having a rough time getting going, and it turned out she needed a new clutch. I was thankful that Kirk's Tire was able to crush Honda Red Deer's repair estimate, and now she's back running like herself again, in fact sometimes a little too jumpy, until I get used to her new parts! That got me car pooling for a few days last week, but I knew it was coming sooner or later. I suppose 225,000 km's on a clutch is acceptable.

And my dishwasher! OK, so a few weeks ago we noticed some gunk in front of the dishwasher. No biggy, clean it up and assume something was spilled. But when it appears the same way in the place again shortly after, I began to get a bit concerned. I pulled it out to have a look, and I was presented with a nice puddle of dirty dish water. I checked connections, and although things weren't as snug as I thought they should have been, I noticed some gunk on the main motor ring underneath. At the time, I didn't know what it was called, so I described it to the repair guy as "the big ring on the bottom". Apparently, after his first visit almost 2 weeks ago, it was the drain pump that was leaking. OK, he's the expert, he must know. After a week and a day, (this past Friday), he was back with the part. Everything replaced and installed and ready to go, and water was still leaking - from the big ring on the bottom! So, now he's ordering a seal for that, and maybe next weekend we can use the dishwasher again. looking forward to it. Anyone want to come over and do dishes?


Posted By: Trevor

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