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Tuesday November 7, 2006. 18:55
Finally get to watch one of my new movies!


Ok, since Sept.1, I've purchased 12 movies.  Of them, I was able to watch one from start to finish.  It was a 15 minute devotional DVD by Rob Bell called "NOOMA Rich | 013".  Tonight, I'm taking "Poseidon" & "MI3" over to Travis's, and hopefully get through one of them.  The list of my 12 latest movies is:

  1. Adventures of Ford Fairlane
  2. Jackass The Movie
  3. Mission Impossible
  4. Mission Impossible 2
  5. Mission Impossible 3
  6. Motorcycle Diaries
  7. NOOMA Rich | 013
  8. Poseidon
  9. Strange Brew
  10. X-Men
  11. X-2 | X-Men United
  12. X-3 | The Last Stand


Posted By: Trevor

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