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Thursday November 16, 2006. 21:47
PlayStation 3 @ Future Shop, Red Deer


Wow.  But I guess I should've expected this.  2 guys and a girl in line for the new PlayStation 3 (PS3) almost 16 hours early!  Let me start from the beginning of my day.  So, Honda finally fixed my car, mostly.  For only $1249.24.  I gladly traded them back their Fit for my Civic on Monday (the 13th), but I think they forgot about my not-so-straight steering wheel / alignment.  So, they got me back in this morning at 09:00 and back out again by Noon.  I needed a new battery, as well.  Hmmm.  As much as I like my car, I still keep trying to convince myself that any domestic car would cost more in repairs & maintenance.  Getting harder and harder to do.  Whatever.  So, just before buying my every-second-year pair of shoes today from Sears for under $30.00 (see if I can walk 2 years in these cheap suckers!), I stopped at Future Shop for a quick work related visit.  Now, my first thought when I see loiterers hanging around the front door is that they're out for a cancer break.  But, what I found out a little later is, those 3 loiterers are tomorrow's customers.  Literally.  These 2 guys and a girl, (who gladly held an empty PS3 display box for a couple of photo's) are planning on spending the night here on the sidewalk in order to get their hands on a limited quantity $700 video game system.  Granted they'll most likely sell it for more on ebay, but wow.  The way I see it, I get to get into my comfy bed tonight, go into work tomorrow at 07:30 (earlier than normal, so we can open at 08:00 for our PS3 customers) and probably make in commission what they will reselling the system.  Hopefully, anyway.  But, I hope they have a fun night.  It's only supposed to get to -7C tonight.  I'll be seeing them in the morning!


Posted By: Trevor

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