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Friday December 28, 2007. 09:35
Ready To Cruise!


2 More Weeks!! (Approximately) The flights are paid for, the bunk is booked, and the sun is shining! Jan 14th Troy (my brother) and I get on a Continental jet in Calgary, and after a stop in Houston and an overnight in Ft. Lauderdale, it's off to Nassau. We'll tour the Bahamas for a couple weeks before heading back to Miami for some pre-cruise partying. Troy will wave me off as I set sail on the Carnival Victory for Ships & Dip III (Barenaked Ladies, Great Big Sea) and the next day (28th) he'll head back to Calgary through Houston. I'll enjoy my time on sea and in the Caymans & Jamaica before arriving back in Port Miami on the 1st of Feb. Mandi will fly the same route and times as Troy and I did, only 3 weeks after (Feb 4th) to meet me at the Hollywood Airport. From there we'll head further south to San Jose, Costa Rica (thanks :D ) for 2 more weeks in the sun and sand. Then, sadly, I'll have to come home. Although I know I'll miss my daughter, and I'd like to think my work will miss me, I'm sure I'll be wishing for more time abroad. But, 5 and a half weeks away is pretty good, I suppose. Anyway, that's all for now, I'll keep ya posted!


Posted By: Trevor

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