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Tuesday March 29, 2011. 12:55
Cheese & Crackers (With Sausage, Of Course)


Ok, so you have a bag of sliced cheese, a container of sliced sausage, and box of crackers. (I, also have these items.) As you put cheese on cracker and sausage on cheese, and happily consume each set, you realize you don't have an equal quantity of each item. Knowing that you're going to eat each and every cracker, piece of sausage and slice of cheese, which item would you prefer to run out of first? (and second?)

For me, the meat is a nice addition, but I can always enjoy a tasty snack of cheese and crackers. And, as much as like cheese, I seldom find myself pulling out cheese slices over a box of crackers when I need a simple snack. Thus, the order in which I would prefer to run out would be meat first, then cheese, and then finally I'll finish off the crackers by themselves.

And lucky me! That looks like the case this time. Yay! :)


Posted By: Trevor

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